Together, we will win.

United We Stand
For the People
Preserving Democracy

Working Together for a Better Future

We’re Not Going Back

Polk for Harris is a diverse group of residents from all ages, races, ethnicities, and political backgrounds, united by our love for our country and commitment to securing a free future. If you value freedom—the freedom not just to get by but to get ahead, the freedom to be safe from gun violence, and the freedom to make decisions about your own body—then we welcome you to join us.

We value the freedom to go forward into the future united and not divided by chaos, racism, and hate. We won’t go back. Our passion lies in preserving our democracy for all and for the freedoms we cherish – including the right to choose.

We proudly support Kamala Harris in her bid for the presidency. Her unwavering commitment to protecting our democratic values makes her the leader we need. She remains focused on preserving our rights and freedoms for all – regardless of gender, race, creed, or who you love – undeterred by those who seek to create chaos. She has vision, determination, and the ability to accomplish the results we so desperately need – everyone’s freedom.

For new voters, we offer a platform to channel your passions and interests and for you to make a tangible impact. Your voices, words, and networks are crucial to have a country that welcomes true freedom. Join us as we stand for a stronger economy, protecting women’s rights, gun safety, a clean environment, and for a more perfect union.

Let’s protect our future together.

Together, We Will Win